I pay $120 a month for cable TV and internet. About $75 dollars of that cost is for television. That is $900 a year just to watch TV. I have no premium cable channels either. Here is a brief list of 6 ways to ditch your cable television:
- Get an indoor high definition antenna and either hook it up to your HDTV or a tuner card on your PC. Most network affiliates also broadcast in high definition.
- Download television shows or movies off the internet. Apple has a large selection of TV shows available for downloads at $1.99 a piece, which can add up over time though. ITunes and an Apple TV
can be a nice cable replacement. Vongo is another alternative (test Vongo out for free by signing up).
The only way to view HD versions of your favorite shows right now is as a torrent file. TED (torrent episode downloader) is a handy tool for this, acting like an internet Tivo.
- Join Netflix. Netflix is a great deal and is a good alternative to a movie channels like HBO and Showtime. For the same price a month as one of the premium channels, you have movies delivered to your house. Plus, many of HBO’s shows are available for rental as box sets.
- Watch free content on the internet at sites like Network2.tv or Stage6.
- View shows at major network websites. ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox all have their most popular shows available for streaming.
- Get DVD’s at your local library. Most libraries offer DVD rentals for free or for a minimal cost compared to Blockbuster.
Even with these tips, I have not ditched my cable TV. The reason why is sports. My HD tuner gets over the air broadcasts but I would miss ESPN too much. Though $75 a month for ESPN is a bit much.
Sun, Nov 19, 2006