Why Sideshow Support Should be Added to Zune

Mon, Nov 26, 2007


zune.pngSideshow, basically a way for a a device to communicate with a Vista computer, is one of the least used features of Microsoft’s Vista. A remote control is a perfect example of how Sideshow could be leveraged, with such a device being able to pick a song to play or a TV show to record without actually having a TV or monitor “on.”

There are a couple of Media Center remotes that are in development but they seem to be perpetually delayed. Microsoft could remedy the situation by making the Zune Sideshow-enabled. Not only could the Zune play music on its hard drive but it also could be a remote for your audio server (i.e. a media center pc). The Zune has wifi built into it already so there is a way to communicate via a network.

Sideshow on a Zune would be another way to differentiate Microsoft’s handheld device with the iPod juggernaut.

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